[cajobportal Insights] More women on boards=Higher Dividend Rates

Anurag Singal
2 min readSep 30, 2019


Posting on behalf of Sonia Singal

Now this would be music to the ears of both the female fraternity as well as shareholders

Now having greater proportion of women on board isn’t just a noble objective but also something that would have an economic rationale

Even I am happy as sometimes I tend to wonder why our clients at CAJobPortal.com are asking for higher proportion of diversity profiles

Academician Chen Ciao of CUHK has published an academic paper that established a positive correlation between Board Gender Diversity and probability / quantum of dividend .

As compared to a single gender all-male board, a gender diverse board will likely to think for shareholders and be more generous on the dividend front

A joint study by IFC Stanford GSB found linkages of gender diversity with better financial results and share prices

(Well you might want to suggest that instead of just getting overtly excited by a study, one should probe deeper)

As compared to 15% shareholder return delivered by MSCI-AC Index, 19% return was generated by Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), which this year selected 230 companies . These companies are committed to transparency in gender reporting and advancing women’s equality in the workplace.

The parameters included

a) increase in executive level position

b) compensation reviews to identify gender-based variations in pay to close their pay gap

c) having programs in place to recruit women looking to return to work after a career break

d) ensure that advertisement and marketing don’t have any gender bias

So what’s your company’s take on gender diversity ? Do you think pro-active measures are needed to promote it or do you hold the view that while the end objective is justified , no specific measures should be undertaken and let time naturally bring that change

Thanks & Regards!!

Sonia Singal : CA Job Portal



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