How Vinay Solanki came back to india for his PGPX and found his digital mojo

Anurag Singal
1 min readApr 30, 2020


Digital Transformation | Founder IoT-NCR | IIM-A | Startup Mentor | TEDx | Patent Pending

So Vinay before we plunge into PGPX and IoT, please tell us about your formative years, family school college etc

You were well settled in USA, in terms of career transition, why PGPX and not a US B school

Was it the desire to return to India

How was PGPX at IIM Ahmedabad

Then Airtel and Lenevo

Did you stumble upon IoT as serendipity

What is it for the layman, as most people like us feel its just hi fi concepts; will it impact the common man

What do you do for fun and fitness

Advice to youngsters



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