The business of social media influencing — the content creator economy

Anurag Singal
2 min readJun 2, 2022


The business of social media influencing — the content creator economy

Case 1

The markets are down — NIFTY is cracking every day — I must advise my followers to conserve cash and wait for the right opportunity

But here is this 5 lacs endorsement deal to showcase this smallcase — and a lot of money to be made through the affiliate links ( because I am the Pied Piper and my followers, like the proverbial tale, will follow me everywhere )

So let me ask the team to spin a narrative -

- the tagline itself is so catchy — “How you can become a crorepati in the bear markets”

Talk about markets — investing — give some global gyaan on inflation, Fed rates, Russia — Ukraine , share screen and show yourself investing Rs 20k in that smallcase — the bhakts will latch onto the video — the guaranteed 1 lac views are here

Case 2

I just got a deal from Cambly — the native English speaking app.

So let me ask the team to spin a narrative

- the tagline itself is so catchy “ What happens if your employer forces you to quit your job “

Talk about the fancy notion of asking of termination instead of meekly resigning, that promised benefits that you can claim from Labour Courts

And subtly insert a section — How lack of English skills can be a barrier to your fighting a legal battle , if you are a fired from your job

Job done — the guaranteed 1 lac views are here

There are so many such cases

One influencer wanted to promote a 7% interest Rate in a Savings Bank of a Neo Bank — He was more honest — it was a dedicated video , not an integration

- the tagline itself is so catchy — How to earn money doing nothing

#business #socialmedia #creatorcommunity

